10 January 2009

More django!

Ahh, finally... me and my co-worker convinced our boss to ditch our's lab www site based on Liferay. Among other problems, the big one was that there were three big unmaintanable catalogs each with separate Liferay instance.

I don't want to criticize Liferay yet it's too big for our needs. It also does not fit in well into me and my co-worker skillsets (well it fit is a bit worse after I converted him from Java to Python ;).

So we're looking for something that is:

* possibly written in Python (easily extendable for us)
* possibly Django compatibile (we have one service based on django and it would be nice if it could be easily put together, there'll be more django-based services in the future)

I'm going to hunt something down on Monday.

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